I (Mario) and Zuzana have got acquainted through your tschechische-traumfrauen.de, rather very soon. The first meeting for “sussing out each other” took 14 hours, it was as if we had known each other for ages and as if we have missed each other a lot. Because we are not teens any more, we are rather sceptical and look for a hitch in our story, but it works well and we want to try it together. Many thanks, because without your dating services we would never have met each other. Kind reagards,
Mario, Zuzana, Stuttgart
I dated 3 women during the summer of 2005 and I must say that I was quite impressed with the choice of women. I always got on well with them, our life attitudes were the same….., however, only with Sara it “sparkled” and a glowing fire with common holidays, weekend meetings, getting acquainted with our families and discussions about our long-desired common future has been burning for one year. It seems to be possible! When the real “fireworks” start, we will inform you. Kind regards and many thanks
Lukas, Bremen
Dear team,
I got into real acquaintance with a female partner through tchechische-traumfrauen.de and we have been together already ten months now! We are mostly getting along well together. Now the moment has come when I do not want to be confronted with new “offers” any more. I am realy fond of partner contacting at tschechische.traumfrauen.de and I have recommended you to others several times. Helena, who is my actual girl-friend, is the third woman I have got acquainted with personally thanks to you. However, the other two were nice as well and I was very happy to have the choice through your site… When looking for the same in newspapers, I was disappointed several times because I met women who were no match for me. With Helena I get on well very much, especially as regards our weaknesses. Therefore, it is easy to understand one another very well. However, sometimes I wish we were more different. Many thanks and many accomplishments in your business.
Roland, Ingolstadt
I have exchanged emails with 2 men and I met one, Thomas. It was nice. He turned out to be a man who matched my expectations to the maximum. At the beginning he was rather embarrassed, he was married for a long time and he was not such an experienced single as me. I was used to meeting men who flirted and boasted, no matter what. However, I wanted to find out who this man was, so unusually shy. I found out that he was a very sensitive and tender man who would like to pamper a woman. We fell in love and now we want to live together, no matter how kitschy it may be. At the very beginning of our relation he gave me – only because he loved me – a huge bunch of red roses, all those, which were available in the shop. Since that time we had not been apart any night. It frequently happens to old fools – we fell in love like in the teens, no, a deal more. Thus, tschechische-traumfrauen worked really super. I am happy that I have found such a great man. Maybe also the others can be encouraged by our story to try it too. Kind regards
Andrea, Thomas, Basel
„Why did I participate at czech-single-women.com? Quite easy: I am not a man who goes to bars or discos and tries to catch the attention of a good-looking or an interesting woman. After my break up I was immersed in my work for many years and I neglected my personal life very much. Before I overcame my shyness, the woman in my life disappeared:-)) At the beginning I was rather sceptical, but I wondered above all, which woman, whom I had contacted, will answer to me. Nevertheless, my profile had – not very surprisingly for me – a very fast feedback and I got acquainted with a number of interesting women. I have exchanged emails with some women and phoned them, but I met with only 2 of them: the first was a hair dresser and the second one was a psychologist. The meetings were funny and interesting and, at the minimum, one of the matches could have been my type. Unfortunatelly, I was not her type. Neverthelless, a great friendship came into being, with a lot of confidence, openness and spontaneity. Although we will not be lovers, this friendship means a lot to me. For me, a partnership must not be a one-way street. Finally, I have met the true dream woman, Dana from the Czech Republic. It was my latest contact. We were travelling the whole summer together (Tunisia). It was absolutely fantastic! Thank you very much for my wife Dana.“ Many accomplishments with your web-site. Best regards
Dear Sir, Madam, I never quite believed that it would be possible, but I have succeeded! Owing to the dating agency tschechische-traumfrauen.de I have been together with a Czech woman (Petra) for 9 months. We get along very well. Your choice criteria with photographs seem to be reasonable. My girl-friend is the fourth one I have contacted. I finished email contact with the first woman very soon, because I realised only after several written words that she was no match for me. The second one was still living together with her husband and children in their house and she wrote emails only in secret. And the third was terribly frightened of a relation as soon as she had realized after the first nice meeting that it could be OK. At that time I was rather nervous and I did not care about future disappointments. However, then the fourth woman came and she turned out to be the true one! And I am very happy now. My courage to click at the right moment has brought much good. Although she lives 300 km from my town, we meet more often than any married couple. She has become a strong part of my life. I felt it already during our first phone calls and our personal meeting confirmed my feeling.Many thanks to all.“
Martin, Passau
Once the phone rang and it was my dream partner. We have been together already 1.5 years. Gerhard is the best one for me. Many thanks for my friend.
Gerhard, Vienna